Wildlife Carers and Rescuers of Australia



Rescue Rehabilitate Release
Krysti Severi-wildlife rescuer & carer
Rescue Rehabilitate Release-Charitable Organisation
BSB: 704 230
Acct #: 1006 27651


Help For Wildlife Ltd
Not For Profit Charity
PO Box 49 Doreen
Bendigo Bank
BSB: 633 000
Acct #: 1591 47370


McIntyre Wildlife Shelter
Denise Bridges-0427 541 102
I operate a wildlife shelter in Central Victoria and have live in volunteers stay here to help care for over 50 macropods, as well as over 30 other various wildlife.
E: mcintyrewildlife@gmail.com
BSB: 063 880
Acct #: 1016 0562


Trevor Crawford
I am a high volume wildlife rescuer located in Bacchus Marsh, west of Melbourne. I rescue mainly macropods but also koalas, wombats, echidnas, raptors & anything else that may pop up. I cover a huge area & am spending an absolute fortune in fuel costs. Every little bit towards fuel & equipment costs will help keep me on the road & rescuing.
BSB: 083 064
Acct #: 18156 5392


Debbie GwytherJones
I’m a high volume wildlife rescuer in the Macedon Ranges in Victoria. One of the busiest regions
E: debzinator@y7mail.com


Brooke Peluso
Rescuer from Melbourne
E: Brooke.peluso@hotmail.com
BSB: 063 620
Acct #: 1041 2736




Christie Cook
I’m a wildlife carer & rescuer. Every little bit helps & is greatly appreciated. Your help goes towards the cost of milk & food for those that come into my care including wombats, bandicoots, macropods, possums & many bird species from parrots to magpies & currawongs. On behalf of our wildlife, thankyou for your support in assisting me to help the many orphans & injured wildlife that come into care.
Mob: 0416 793 593
Acct Name: Christie Cook
BSB: 807 009
Acct #: 5134 5439


Clarence Point Wombats
Cynthia Masters-I raise and care for wombats. This is a long process up to 2 years. A donation will go towards milk, food, maintenance and mange treatment.
E: sckmasters@bigpond.com


Deb Everson-aka Deb Wombat
E: wombatrescue@hotmail.com


New South Wales


Blue Mountains Wombat Conservation Group is a community volunteer group that treats wombats with mange across the Blue Mountains. We treat whole colonies at a time in the hope that we can eradicate mange from big areas. We have been working in the area for almost 2 years now & have treated 338 burrows for more than 15 weeks at a time. Mange is a horrific parasite that slowly kills wombats through secondary infections, starvation & injuries after they become deaf & blind. If left untreated in 100% of cases it will eventually kill them & it is highly contagious.
BSB: 082 514
NAB Acct #: 8505 43626


Badgerys Creek Wildlife Sanctuary Inc
E: hello@badgeryscreekwildlifesanctuary.org.au
PayPal: https://paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=EAACPN3FC43PC
IMB Bank-Badgerys Creek Wildlife Sanctuary Inc
BSB: 641 800
Acct #: 200893649


Sydney Wildlife Rescue Southwest Branch
Carla-Maree Simmons, rescuer/carer for flying foxes, microbats, ringtail possums, brushtail possums, gliders & koalas.
BSB: 062 517
CBA Acct #: 1105 4124


Wildlife In Need Of Care
Port Stephens, Dungog areas & beyond.
Nat: 1300 946 295 Acct Name: WINCWL
BSB: 637 000
(Greater Bank) Acct #: 7239 80127


Nicola Martin
I have been rehabbing for many years to give Second life chances to Sea Snakes, land reptiles, Penguins and Sea birds.
E: nikz76@hotmail.com


Susan Taylor
Wildlife rescuer and carer of Echidnas, Wombats, Kangaroos, Wallaroos, Wallabies, Possums and Gliders, Flying Foxes, Microbats and Reptiles.
Picton, NSW.
E: simon.susan1@bigpond.com
BSB: 633 000
Acct #: 1582 80149


YANNIGURRA JANAGAN (Translation: Freedom/set free 7 sistars)
The Eastern Grey Species is the most unique, beautiful spirit being.
They have their own dreaming and song lines.
I feel honoured to be a carer and a part of these babies lives to see them grow to their full potential. It’s a joyous day when they are in the wild connecting with their own species and mob.
Unfortunately there are not enough professional wildlife vets in our area.
As carers, there are many financial obligations to our animals.
Thank you for your support. Yurpia.
Yurpia Mccafferty
E: Yurpia@outlook.com
BSB: 728 728
Acct #: 222 94073


Tracy Picken
Specialising in pinkies-dream gift would be a large ICU!
E: tlpick69@gmail.com
Mob: 0416 512 584


Australian Wildlife Society
Dedicated to the preservation of Australia’s precious wildlife.
Megan Fabian-National Office Manager
E: manager@aws.org.au 
Mob: 0424 287 297
W: www.aws.org.au




Wild Woman Wildlife Rescue
Heather Bridges- Committed wildlife carer and rescuer with 27yrs experience. We always seem to be struggling to make ends meet but we are making the most of it and hoping for the best .
E: WildWomanWildlifeRescue@gmail.com
Wild Woman Wildlife
BSB: 062 692
Acct #: 4372 9869
PayPal: wildwomanwildliferescue@gmail.com
Containers For Change Acct: C10462751


Sunshine Coast Wildlife Rehabilitation
Heather McMurray 0415 839 554
BSB: 734 081
Acct#: 539 800


Western Queensland Wildlife Rehabilitation
Kim Palmer-0436 366 452
I am an independent wildlife rehabilitator in Muttaburra, remote Western QLD, specialising in our 3 big macropod species, Eastern Greys, Wallaroos &Red Kangaroos, of which I can have anywhere from 20-40 in care at any given time. These big species can be in care for up to 18 months & require alot of love, time & expense. I also take in any other native wildlife endemic to the region. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated & go towards milk, hard feed, medical & other various ongoing expenses.
E: wqwildlife@outlook.com


Christine Heller
Wildlife Carer in Winton
Tel: 0438 121 433
BSB: 084 834
Acct #: 3266 53837


STAR-Craft for Australian Wildlife Carers
President: Maren Dammann
HQ: Brisbane-operating Australia wide.
Specialising in providing wildlife carers Australia-wide with free essential items for wildlife rescue, rehabilitation & orphan raising. Felted possum houses, glider playground equipment, high quality pouches, koala mittens, kangaroo hanging bags, wombat pouches, bat wraps & more. E: starcraftforwildlife@gmail.com
Direct Transfer: STAR BSB: 084 852
Acct #: 6808 73963 or via PayPal: starcraftforwildlife@gmail.com


Somerset Sanctuary
Petrina Paidel-0411 273 534
Wildlife rescue service in Wivenhoe Pocket
BSB: 484 799
Acct #: 0248 60519


Gayndah Wildlife Carers
Cameron Andrews-0422 616 016-concentrates on birds & some reptiles
Ian Schmidt-0488 966 719
Gayndah Wildlife Carers are Ian Schmidt and Cameron Andrews, members of Gympie Wildlife Rescue Inc, who live and rehab wildlife in Gayndah, QLD.
BSB: 084 560
Acct #: 7450 49757
E: felandcam@gmail.com


Sandra Moye-0467 335 469
Wildlife Carer of Eidsvold who predominantly cares for macropods.
“I am a lady who loves kangaroos & will try my best to save as many precious lives as I can & I will educate people along the way.”
E: veganvixen101@hotmail.com
BSB: 064 416
Acct #: 1028 1819


Western Australia


Amaris Wildlife Rehabilitation Sanctuary
Maggie Van Santen-Charitable Organisation +43 7449 414
BSB: 633 000
Acct #: 1722 06732


WA Seabird Rescue


Shazora Wildlife Stopover
Elaine Foster
I have been caring for kangaroo joeys for about 6 years. I also take in birds, any other natives that comes my way, I will help rehabilitate and release here in the Goldfields WA
E: shazoraboxer@hotmail.com


Esperance Roo Haven
Lynn Kidd


South Australia


Our Little Mob Shelter
Diane Davidson-Polak-08 855 550 38
We are a small roo shelter that provides a forever home for orphaned and homeless joeys. . SA law prevents them from being released once imprinted by humans.
E: davidsonpolak@bigpond.com
Our Little Mob Roo Shelter
BSB: 633 000
Acct #: 1684 43885


Kangaroo Pouch Animal Sanctuary
Sharon Walker
We are a kangaroo sanctuary in South Australia that take in many orphaned and injured joeys. We provide them with a forever home as re-release is not an option in South Australia.


Linda White
Kangaroo rescuer and carer in SA.




WildTalk-1300 WILDTALK
Caring For The Wildlife Carers Frances Carleton. Registered Charity-a national service. Providing mental health assistance to all wildlife rescuer, carers, veterinary professionals & researches through times of illness, injury or crisis, throughout Australia. A network of counselling professionals are available 24/7 & free of charge.
Wildtalking Ltd
BSB: 633 000
Acct #: 171 848 112


Far North Queensland


Details to follow